Android: Android is a type of system that some phone companies use in their smartphones. Most Android built phones come with many add-ons and applications for the user to use to make life simpler or more effective.It is a google based program that is for most all smart phones.
Ubuntu: Linux based operating system and is free to use and distribute. Comes with many different applications for email, web, and word processing. It has great support so many people use it and believe in it. Really his its peak over the ast couple of years.
Netbook: Basiclly a down sized laptop that is always a smaller size so it is more portable and convenient. It is smaller so it also has less features. Operating system, processor, storage, optical drive, keyboard, and more.
Web 2.0: It is the new version of the World Wide Web and was introduced to the public in 2004. It allows the user to do many things that they werent able to before Web 2.0. It focuses on people being able to collaborate and share information online. Everythingon the web now a days is all interadctive where you can change things and post things like on Facebook.
SSl: SSL is used for securing Internet protocol and it also encrypts the data that is being switched. It blocks any outsiders from reading it and hacking into it. It is used for a sucure connection between you and your server in your computer.
Phishing: Phishing is something that scanners or people that try to hack your omputer try to do to get more data about you. Sending out an email saying that they are someone else or some other company.
Cookie: A cookie transmits information to different websites that you may want it to be on. It will send you information from other sites to. A mesasge sent to the internet explorer from a web server. These messages are stored and request updated messages from servers. It purpose identifies you and will locate your stored information.
CAD: Computer-Aided Design is used for making all sorts of things like videos and movies even commersials. It allows you to make movies or even just pictures with three demensional actions. It is a combination of hardware and software. Used to have specialized computers built for design. Now just attain software and away you go. their are many differnent types and kinds or CAD and all have different versions for the user.
Coaxial: Copper wire with insulation and a ground mesh. Still used a great deal for cable or antenna TV. Carries a solid amount of data without as much interference. If you have an antenna TV you are most likely using a Coaxial wire.
Debug: Find and remove errors in a program, It guides the programmer to fix their mistakes in a line of code. It is especially used in programming.