1. Active-Matrix: Formally used in laptops and thin computers. Little diodes make up the image that appears onto the screen. A current passes through the little diodes and then they will light up in differnet colors to make up the image. Birghter and more contrasted displays and will take less power.
2. Boolean: Boolean helps the computer find out if something is true or false. Software users usually use Boolean to help control the computer. Their are four main boolean operators AND, NOT, OR and XOR
3. Cluster: A cluster has two deffinitions it can either mean a group of sectors on a disk or a group of connected computers. A cluster can be used to find and order files on a computer. Each Cluster has a unique ID which enables thehard drive to locate all the clusters on the disk. Disk defragment helps to reign back in the lost.
4. Database: A database is on a computer and it organizes information that is on the computer. Each table has differnent strategies to certain things. Typically made up of mny linked tables or rows and columns. Used for storig information about products.
5. Fiber-Optic Cable: Fiber-Optic Cables are thin pieces of glass or other materials that can bend the light. They are very thin, one end sends the light to the other end where the computer than reads it like a message.
6. Cat 5: If you are on a netowork you are using Cat5 most likely.
7. HDMI: It is a digital interface that helps send videos and movies and music to your computer. HDMI cables are more expensive than other cables because they cost alot more to maufacture.
8. ISDN: ISDN is a data transfer system, it can transfer data alot quicker than dial up but it is slower than the newer DSL moduales.
9.Jumper: It is a small chip that acts kind of like an on off switch. It tells the computer how something on it works. A jumper can be used easily on your computer.
10.Cloud: Cloud is all the services offered over the internet. They are most likely from differnent countries or states.