OCR devices: Stands for Optional Character Reciognition. it allows you to scan a paper that you may have deleted on your hardrive.
Resolution: It has two different deffenitions. It can either tell you how many pixels are in your monitor or how neat your printer can print out something.
MIDI: MIDI stands for musical instrament digital interface. It is used by musicians to link together differnent musical instraments.
Cursor: Cursors are what the mouse key is on your screen it shows you where you are pointing. it allows you to open a program.
CCD: Charged coupled device is what its called. It gets lioght and then saves it to turn it into digital data. the quality may vary with the CCD.
Offline: Offline is when the computer is not on or connected to anything. Its when the computer is just sitting there not doing anything.
Cybercrime: Cybercrime is the cruelty of online users. It may vary from video chat or just normal chat. People do it to bring eachother down and make them feel bad.
WIKI: WIKI is a program or website where people can post and share information. Wikipedia is a website where this can happen.
Blog: A blog is probably one of the most simple tools that is on the computer. All you have to do is type and post.
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